Informations about / Informationen zum 1. Last Aid Symposium September 2019 20. Juni 2019

Neben unserem Letzte Hilfe Symposium in München, laufen auch die Vorbereitungen für das 1. Letzte Hilfe Symposium am 06.09.2019 in Dänemark auf Hochtouren.
Anmeldungen sind über folgenden Link möglich:
General Information to our Symposium / Allgemeine Informationen:
Since 2015 Last Aid courses have been introduced in 10 European countries to teach citizens how to care for seriously ill and dying people.
Our aim is to empower everybody to participate in the care for seriously ill people including those who want to die at home. Therefore everybody should know how to care and to provide Last Aid.
Throughout Europe more than 70% of the people would prefer to die at home. Lets take care of them together. We need both citizens and professional to reach our aim.
The conference in Sønderborg will highlight a combination of Last Aid courses and compassionate communities. Experiences from different countries and research on Last Aid courses will be presented:
- Last Aid – idea and development
- Last Aid and compassionate communities
- Experiences with Last Aid from Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Lithuania, Scotland, Slovenia, Estonia, etc.
- Last Aid courses for Kids/Teens
- Talking with children about death and dying
First Aid aims to save lives – Last Aid aims to reduce suffering and increase quality of life.
Scientific committee/organizing committee:
Georg Bollig (Denmark), Frans Brandt (Denmark), Marius Ciurlionis (Lithuania), Boris Knopf (Germany), Lotte Blicher Mørk (Denmark), Erika Zelko (Slovenia)
More info:
- Congress:
- ALSIK hotel in Sønderborg
- Tourist-information:
We are looking forward to meeting you in Sønderborg!
Georg Bollig,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. med, PhD, MAS, DEAA
Registration And Congress Secretariat:
Kathrin Söderberg-Christensen
We are looking forward to see you in Denmark ! / Wir freuen uns auf Euch !